After you are registered to vote in Florida, it is important to keep your voter registration record up to date with your current address, name, and desired party affiliation.
If you moved within Martin County, you can change your address by phone, by sending a signed letter, e-mail or online at You must provide date of birth and last four digits of your social security number, your Florida Driver License number or your Florida Identification Card number.
If you moved from another Florida county to Martin County, you can change your address by phone, by e-mail or online at You must provide date of birth and last four digits of your social security number, your Florida Driver License number or your Florida Identification Card number.
Florida is a closed primary state. In a primary election, you are entitled to vote the official primary election ballot of the political party you are registered with and no other, FS 101.021.
You must be registered with your party of choice 29 days before a primary election, FS 97.055.
At a general election, you can vote for any candidate or question on the ballot, regardless of party affiliation.
Voters can change their party by submitting a voter registration application or online at
Voters can change their name by submitting a voter registration application or online at
Has your signature changed? When you return a Vote by Mail ballot or sign a petition, your signature is verified against the signature on your voter record. If the signatures do not match, your ballot may not be counted or your petition may not be accepted.
Power of attorney does not apply to voter registration. If for medical or other reasons you are unable to sign your complete name, please submit any mark you are capable of making. For voter registration purposes, this mark will be deemed your signature.
Voters can update their signature by submitting a voter registration application to our office. If you would like to update your signature to match your signature currently on file with the DMV, you can do so online at