Identification Requirements

Current and valid signed, photo identification is required to vote. Click HERE to see the history of Voter ID Requirements in Florida.

If the picture identification does not include a signature, a voter may provide an additional form of identification with their signature.

Acceptable forms of identification are listed below:

  • Florida Driver’s License
  • Florida Identification Card (ID) issued by the Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
  • United States Passport
  • Debit or Credit Card
  • Military Identification
  • Student Identification
  • Retirement Center Identification
  • Public Assistance Identification
  • Neighborhood Association Identification
  • Veteran Health Identification Card issued by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs
  • A license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm issued pursuant to s. 790.06, Fla. Stat.
  • Employee identification card issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the Federal Government, the state, a county, or a municipality

If you do not have identification, the Clerk will issue the voter a Provisional Ballot to vote.